Black Homeownership Project
Black Homeownership Project
It All Starts With Membership
It All Starts With Membership
- Variety of Courses from Basics of Getting Ready to Own a Home to Creating Wealth and Advance Investing
- A community of resources and support
- Access to the BHP-Purchasing Membership (We buy your home for you, in partnership.)
- What Membership Cost:
- One time Membership fee $100
- Purchasing Partner Fee based on purchase amount
- $20 monthly tax deductible donation to the BHP Fund after closing
Phases of the Process
Phases of the Process
The Details of the Process
The Details of the Process
Membership Portfolio
Membership Portfolio
Google Form with questions here
It start​s with membership. Once a member you will build your portfolio with your personal dreams and goals. Different assignments, videos and the survey of their dreams and goals.
BHP Member Individualized Path
BHP Member Individualized Path
They will sign in and be directed to their spot. Access after membership is paid. There is be a video here for them to understand this step of the process and a space created for comments.
Once you have completed your portfolio and we have all the information requested we work with you to create an individualized path to your dreams. We create a savings plan and set the timelines for when we can get you into your home and accomplishing your other dreams. We set up a network of support and put your in a success cohort.
BHP Partner Purchasing
BHP Partner Purchasing
16600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
We assign you a realtor who is equipped with an agreed upon approval amount. The realtor will take you to see the homes of your choice in your price range. You pick your top three homes and we negotiate and purchase the home for you. You move into your home and continue to work the plan.
BHP Member Completes Financing Process
BHP Member Completes Financing Process
16600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500
At the agreed upon time or before, refinance options are presented. The BHP Member choices best option or finds another better option. (Considerations include: Lowest interest rate, lowest monthly payment and other terms.) BHP Partnership fee and BHP Fund Contributions are finalized. BHP Purchasing survey/interview is completed and funds are put back in the pot for the next BHP Member to partner for their home purchase.
BHP Member Continues in the Community
BHP Member Continues in the Community
BHP is a member for life. When you become a member you will continue to have access to the BHP resources and support.
BHP Members are committed to supporting the continual flow of resources and information. The resources will include Wealth Creation & Stability workshops and opportunities, Referrals to Black Excellence Businesses, opportunities to serve the Black Community and other relevant information for individuals and families.